Outbound Dialers

For years, call centers have thrived on outbound dialers, not only because of the vast number of calls made to clients but also due to the laborious aspect of redial numbers. It’s a massive task for your agents, affecting their production and stealing their attention. It comes at the price of solid customer dialogues and inhibits them from bringing strategic value to the firm.

In this article, we will discuss the various types of outbound dialers and their applications. With these use cases and dialer types, you can better understand outbound dialers and make the best option for your organization.

So let’s see the types of outbound dialers and how to choose one


Types of outbound dialers


Preview Dialers


A preview dialer detects when an agent becomes available and gives crucial information about the recommended contact. After examining this information, the agent can either start the call or cancel it and dial an alternative number. When the number is picked, the outbound auto dialer calls it, and the agent is already prepared for the discussion.


  • Collect consumer information in order to customize calls.
  • Provide contextual information to improve agent performance.
  • Handle difficult customer circumstances.


Power and Progressive Dialers


When agents finish their current calls, this form of outbound dialer automatically contacts the next number in the queue. It allows agents to get additional contextual information about the person to be reached as the call is being placed, but agents no longer have discretion over who they will speak with and how long it may take to study their information.

Some dialers allow for multiple call attempts when an agent becomes available. Progressive dialing and power dialing are terms that are frequently used interchangeably, with the former referring to customer care and support use cases and the latter to sales and marketing operations.


  • Initiate a huge number of calls at a low cost.
  • Increase the likelihood of calls being answered 
  • Be more consistent in eliciting favorable call outcomes


Dialers Who Can Predict


To forecast the number of calls that will go through, predictive dialers use a pacing algorithm based on the success and failure trends of recent calls.

Predictive dialers regulate the number of calls made so that all available agents are connected to live consumers smoothly.

While increasing your agents’ occupancy, this pace option does not provide them time to prepare for their calls and is best used when minimal personalization is required.


  • When operating contact centers, you may save time, effort, and money.
  • Avoid unnecessary extended pauses between calls.
  • Integrate monitoring to keep track of agent performance.


Dialers without an agent


To call numbers, this sort of outbound dialer employs Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology. If there is no response, the call is disconnected. Agentless dialers can leave a message or offer to connect with a live agent if they are connected to a live person. If it reaches an answering machine, it will play a pre-recorded message.


  • Carry out large-scale notification campaigns
  • Increase dialing efficiency by using a high level of automation.
  • Make self-help tools available to make customer journeys more frictionless.


Outbound dialers are commonly used for the following purposes:


  • Keeping clients informed about a new product introduction
  • Begin the feedback, registration, or onboarding process.
  • Send payment reminders that are customized.
  • Call a specified list to generate leads.
  • Outbound dialers can help reduce calling mistakes, minimize call-related expenses, and improve worker effectiveness. 

Furthermore, depending on their nature, they might have a quantifiable influence on your business. Auto dialers, in particular, assist your business in remaining compliant and tracking adherence. You may also use sophisticated pacing modes to phone several lines on behalf of a single agent, increasing their odds of connecting and increasing their occupancy.


How to Select the Best Outbound Dialer


The ideal outbound dialer for your corporation is determined by your existing business objectives and the resources available to carry them out. Manual outbound dialers, as previously said, are out of the question unless you are working with a small group of individuals. When it comes to auto-dialers, they all serve different functions.

Small firms, for example, may use preview dialers since they deal with smaller calling lists and are more cost-effective. Larger enterprises frequently require predictive dialers to rapidly call large quantities of numbers.

Organizations that want their agents to be prepared for the discussion before it occurs favor progressive and power dialers.


Want To Get the Best Outbound Dialer Software, Contact Us Today and Avail a Free Trial.

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